General objective of the project
Free movement of EU Member States inhabitants and the Single Market had contributed to the fact that consumers got a wider possibility of choice and comparison of different sort of products not only in their homeland but also of the same products in different countries throughout the Europe. This situation has also brought justified enquiries and impulses from the customers, e.g.
Why are the products of the same brand and in the same packaging “different” in our country, i.e. inferior /of less quality/ than in our neighbouring countries. An average consumers are justified to expect that products of a certain brand are of the same quality wherever and whenever they are bought. Within the Single Market, where the consumers are in general aware that this is the market of their purchase, they do not expect that the products of the same brand sold in the different countries will be different. The question of “dual quality of food” has been resonating within the consumers of the Slovak Republic for several years. The information on the packaging of the product, graphical design and symbols used on the packaging are considered at first by the consumer in deciding whether to buy the product.
This Project was focused either on confirmation or contradiction of situation. According to the geographical or seasonal availability of the raw material for production of food products, objective differences may exist influencing the composition and/or the flavor of the products which might be hardly avoided by the producers. These objective differences may occur in such cases where the producer has got producing establishments in the individual EU states, producing products on the basis of prescription from the local raw materials. However, such differences are minimal and in case of using of the same prescriptions they are negligible. This Project can help to demonstrate placing products with the same packaging and under the same brand but with different composition and sensoric profile into the market. This situation may be not in compliance with the Directive No.: 2005/29/EC concerning unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices Targeted investigation of the samples enabled to demonstrate that justified individual expectations of the consumers about the product in comparison to the “reference product” are not met (reference product is the product in identical packaging and of the same brand).
Final findings and evaluations are now presented to the customers and producers which in case of their own interest, have now possibility to solve the problem of the dual quality of foods directly in their productions.
Explanation of traffic lights
When comparing individual products, we used the procedure described by the Joint Research Center in its publication ISBN 978-92-76 -08569-0 "Results of an EU wide comparison of quality related characteristics of food products."
- Different
Front page Identical
means motif, colours, logos, fonts, pictures, layout, shape are the same
- Similar
Front page Similar
means small variation in characteristics but generally having the same appeerance
- Identical
Front page Different
different appearance
Nutrients and Ingrediens
- Different
Nutrition declaration and ingredients are the same
- Similar
small variation in nutrition declaration or in ingredient list
- Identical
different ingredients od different quantitative ingredient declaration
Similar approach was chosen when comparing analyzes and sensoric analyzes. For these indicators, we did not evaluate the group of tests performed as a whole, but
- Different
means that no analysis result was different
- Similar
means that in one or more analysis results were small differences
- Identical
means that in one or more analysis results were significant differences
Last Questions
Ľubica N. 25.11.2020 17:31
Stanovisko Nestlé k rozdielnosti obalov výrobku Fitness Cereálie : Výrobky, ktoré boli predmetom porovnávacej analýzy realizovanej Štátnou veterinárnou a potravinovou správou SR (ŠVPS) sú vyrábané v rozdielnych výrobných závodoch spoločnosti Nestlé. Rozdielnosť obalov je spôsobená odlišnou technológiou balenia a rozdielnymi technologickými zariadeniami jednotlivých výrobných a baliacich liniek príslušných závodov. Oba typy obalov zodpovedajú najvyšším kvalitatívnych a bezpečnostným štandardom v súlade s platnými európskymi a národnými predpismi, pričom zabezpečujú uchovávanie všetkých kvalitatívnych a senzorických vlastností výrobkov. Bezpečnosť a kvalita našich výrobkov sú našimi hlavnými prioritami.